We provide Integrated
Pest Management solutions
to the agriculture industry
Schedule a free consultation
Who we are
realIPM provides the highest quality biopesticides, and services to the agricultural sector in order to enable farmers to increase their yield, decrease chemical resistance and ultimately improve overall plant and soil health
Through our integrated crop protection programmes we work with farmers to grow healthier plants with a higher nutrition status, whilst at the same time protecting naturally occurring predators and pollinators.
How we work
At realIPM, we work hand-in-hand with you, the farmer, to identify your specific requirements in order to create an integrated pest management program tailored for your farm. Our free, ongoing consulting service will ensure that your programme is working for you.
Our Footprint
We have representatives throughout Southern Africa including Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
We are ready to come to your farm to identify your specific needs.
Grower Testimonials
“I like working with realIPM because their service is excellent, they don’t just sell you a product in the beginning of the season and then you never see them again. They visited me on a weekly basis, and ensured we were able to react preventatively on issues such as bollworm and aphids that could have cause significant yield losses. I have never seen such root development on my wheat, ever!”
Johan Conradie Irrigated wheat farmer“It was initially very difficult to change my mindset, however, since understanding biological products better, having better quality products to use and gaining experience has developed my confidence in biological farming. I have witnessed the success of biological control and it makes me excited about the future of farming. Thank you RealIPM for assisting on this journey.”
R.Rose: Pome Fruit, Grabouw“Gereelde besoeke deur die realIPM verteenwoordiger was baie waardevol en sy praktiese ervaring het ons gehelp om probleme en behoeftes tydig aan te spreek. Die beskikbaarheid van produkte wat aanbeveel is was goed en aflewerings het vinnig plaasgevind. Ons navrae is altyd vinnig en vriendelik hanteer en inligting is akkuraat en korrek met ons gedeel. Produkte is oor die algemeen baie kompeterend geprys.”
Malvenn Meintjes, Hartswater, Noord-Kaap“My products are safer to eat for the end user, I feel better about using less harmful chemicals and I am improving my soil in a more sustainable manner by using realIPM’s products. In addition, my yields are on parr with surrounding farmers and my quality is excellent.”
Attie van Jaarsveld Potato farmer“As an organic and biodynamic farmer, but new to grape farming, pests and diseases have always made my life difficult. RealIPM have gone out of their way to help me understand the process of IPM, getting to know the products and the dosages, always being on call for consultation or an orchard visit. I feel supported and this grape harvest has had a noticeable change in quality since using realIPM’s products”
Helen Burton (Elemental Africa)“Ek is al drie seisoene en langer by RealIPM en ek as ’n groente boer het nie ’n keuse as om my praktyke te verander na iets biologies vriendeliker nie. Dankie RealIPM vir julle aangehoue ondersteuning en diens!! Om die minste te sê is julle prys hoogs kompeterend en produkte van baie hoë gehalte. Julle advies is ook goed en oor ’n breë spektrum”
K.Hugo: Vegetables(Peppers), Montagu“Ons stroop gemiddeld 6 tot 6.5 ton/ha in hierdie omgewing op die swaar grond. Op die lande waar ek realIPM se produkte gebruik het, het ek tussen 7 en 8.4 ton/ha gestroop. Dit is tussen 1 en 2 ton/ha beter as ons gemiddeld vir die streek.”
AJ Pretorius, VH29, 30, 31, Bull Hill, Jan Kempdorp, Noord-Kaap“It is a real privilege to work with realIPM as a company and with the individual Biotechnical representatives as they are exceptionally motivated and have the same mind set as us in terms of trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible, while also improving our soil health.”
Marc and Wynne Smith, Evangrass Trust, Tala Valley, KZN.“Through the use of RealIPM’s bio-pesticides and beneficial insects we have been able to significantly reduce our chemical inputs. Thank you RealIPM for the technical support and continued guidance.”
R.Bergh: Vegetables, Citrus, Blueberries, Clanwilliam“RealIPM is a pleasure to work with. The service is excellent and professional, and nothing is ever too much trouble. The products are explained in great detail, and we meet regularly on the farm to discuss any issues and possible solutions. Using biological products has decreased our harsh chemical usage by a significant margin. We’re also using cover crops and mulching and are seeing an increase in earthworm activity.”
Koshik Sitaram, Sitaram Farming, Tegwaans Nest, Baynesfie